Jeannie Samedi Refuse To Wash Her Dirty Hands

Abused by "Child Protective Services"
"ACS" Declared War On Us! Read More Here!
We Asked Questions and they Attacked Us! Read about it here!
NYPD used "Swat Team for Force!" Read More Here!
"ACS" and "CPS" Give No Options! Read more here!
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I am Women of Color, African, American and Ascent. I am a parent, of three; one adult daughter in her 30's, a now 20 yr old daughter and 19 yr old son.  A proud grand-dame to two granddaughters.  I have a number of step-children, and god-children. 


I am an active member in my community, for over fifty years. I have an impeccable record of being a caring and responsible parent.  I have a reputation of being well respected among my peers, and many friends.  My children are well mannered, groomed and healthy; with no previous or present health problems.  My children have many friends in and out of the neighborhood.

On about
May 10th 2005, My then 16 yr old son arrived at a clinic appointment he made, to secure a medical clearance for a summer job working for the City.  Unknown to us his primary pediatrician had retired. Because he was still considered a minor I met him at his appointment. That’s when we were introduced to Doctor Jeannie Samdie by the clinic receptionist, who told us  Doctor Samdie would do the general medical examination. Right the start this doctor displayed an attitude towards me, as  I was startled that his primary pediatrician had retried. That we were not notified when he made the appointment.  hmmm!  After all I was notified when my sons annual check ups where due!


I of course entered the exam room with my son, Doctor, Jeannie A. Samedi, made an attempt to start the exam without washing her hands. I asked her to please wash her hands, I was careful in my tone not to be disrespectful.  She walked over to my son and started touching his face rubbing his neck, at that point I told my son to get dress, she got mad at me for not allowing her to examine my son, without washing her visibly dirty hands.  I complained to her about it, and she got nasty.  Unknown to us, she retaliated that same day by calling "ACS" on me.


 But note,  she gave me a "medical clearance" letter that did not indicate any symptoms of medical problems or referral (s) for any further medical care for my son. the note stated my son was seen by her, that's it! 

On about
May 20th 2005, I filed a complaint with, The Office of Professionals, The Health Department and various agencies, against Doctor Jeannie Samedi, about her refusing to wash her dirty hands, before attempting to examine my son.  She in turn filed a bogus child abuse and medical neglect report against me with "ACS" without any proof.   She made a number of bogus claims, that my son had a heart murmur, and had refuse to discuss with her whether he was having sex or using drugs.  She also made the claim that he would die without proper medical treatment for the alleged heart mummer condition. Within days of her filing this bogus medical and child abuse report, our family began getting telephone calls from several people claiming to work for "ACS" conducting an investigation on me abusing my son, for failing to get him medical care. 


The following weeks, a number of unscheduled visits began by "Kevin Richards" as an "ACS" trainee. I Immediately responded with letters to the attention of John B. Mattingly, Commissioner of "ACS," the Mayor, and various other agencies alerting them of Jeannie A. Samedi deplorable actions, thinking I would get someone to look into the situation and address her bedside manners in the interest of public safety.

June 1, 2005,"ACS" responded to my complaint, that more time was required to investigate my complaint and questions.  On this same day, "Kevin Richards" a ACS trainee and Marilyn Melgar (click on her name find out where she is now, whose life she making miserable now) "Kathleen Wolters"  (click  here,  she has since left ACS,) acting as attorney for "ACS" filed a bogus petition in Family Court against me for child abuse and medical neglect.


 Soon after they filed the petition in court,” Kevin Richards" illegal questioned my son at his school, while my son was participating in sports while in his gym class.  My son repeatedly told Richards the accusations against his mother were false and asked Mr. Richards to stop harassing him.

On about June 6, 2005, I decided to set the record straight thinking the matter would blow over, get dismissed, knowing the facts would prove Jeannie A. Samedi was not a cardiologist, was not my sons primary doctor. That, she had not given my son a physical exam. That, my son was not ill, nor ever diagnosed with asthma or ever had a heart mummer.


I appeared at Family Court, to answer to the bogus petition, with several of family members and close friends, who were not allowed in the so called family court room.  I began to see how the powers of this bogus system wanted to proceed with the case as though there was some legitimacy to it.   


 I realized this was a scam!


The court atmosphere was extremely hostile, the scene was chaotic, there were people sitting everywhere, looking stressed out, confused for one reason or another. The court officers were hostile looking, the lawyers were shouting their so called clients names, as though they were at a slave auction. These so called lawyers were openly discussing their clients private matters.


 There was no privacy!


This did not look like a place to conduct our family business! 


 My son, daughter, family and friends could not understand; of all people why I was being targeted!  The atmosphere was grim.  At this time I suffered a heart attack, due to the fabricated claims that my son, was suffering from asthma, a heart mummer, being in imminent danger. They also charged me with failure to provide my son with food, clothing, shelter and an education. These last false charges alone were despicable, being brought by Kevin Richards and Kathleen Wolters.


I could not take it anymore. I started feeling chest pains.  I was taken by ambulance from the family court. I was hospitalized for three days.  While I was hospitalized, the hearing went on, in judge Knipps chambers, which she made unnecessary medical appointments for my son, as well as awarding him to a woman claiming to be a relative.  (bizarre)

On about June 17, 2005, at Family Court, I returned to challenged stand in, ACS attorney, Charles Hotnit (his bar attorney card, expired for 1 yr) and Judge Susan Knipps jurisdiction over my son and me. Based on the letter from the Department of State, shown to Judge Knipps that so-called "ACS" is not a State recognized agency, she mumbled something, but failed to prove her jurisdiction over us.


On about Aug 14th 2005, I filed a lawsuit against 14 defendants, none of them answered the complaint pursuant to USC Code 28, F.R.C.P. RULE 4, instead they continued to commit illegal, un-constitutional, civil rights violations, in retaliation of me initialing Federal Civil Rights lawsuit, against them.

On about
November 17, 2005, I suffered second heart attack; I was hospitalized for three days, which was directly related to "Adel Benjamin," who came to my apartment with an army of police officers, who kicked and banged at my door. In an attempt to kidnap my 16 yr old son to force him take a medical evaluation and to validate the bogus child abuse and medical neglect claims against me. They banged and kicked and bang eventually they left.

After my release from the hospital, I grew more frustrated. I continued to send a number of complaints by fax, email and certified mail, to the following government authorities, State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, Manhattan County District Attorney, Robert Morgenthau, Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, and New York Office of Professionals, also sent additional complaints to various agencies notifying them of the unlawful operations of "ACS."  


Judge Knipps and "ACS" case workers, did not make legal contact by person, phone or written correspondence to me or my family about any further investigations or court dates regarding my 16 yr old son being in imminent danger.


The January 2005, tragic death, of the child named Nixzmary Brown's gave Judge Susan Knipps justification to issue a bogus warrant for force against me, because of my lawsuit against her, and for my fact finding, that "The Administration for Children Services" is operating illegally. I have the official Department Of State Letter.


On about February 3, 2006 10:30am, on Judge Susan Knipps, orders, Adel Benjamin agent of ACS, 14 armed NYCHA, police officers, housing management, ambulance and NYC Fire Department, broke in, desecrated my apartment, arrested my 16 yr son, 17 yr old daughter, and me with a fake warrant dated 12/9/05. We were taken by force, to the Family Court.  


My healthy teen son was confused, frustrated and really scared as to what they were going to do to him, he was told by Adel Benjamin and the court officers  not to talk or sit next to me.  My then 17 yr daughter who was taken with us by the police to family court, was not allowed in the court room!   The NYPD  Officers (not court officers)  were ordered by Knipps to stand behind me as I was forced to sit in the judge Knipps courtroom.  I was treated as a convicted criminal. Judge Susan Knipps, told  me, if we did not cooperate with her medical exam appointment, "You will suffer the heart ache."  she also threaten, my son would be placed in a foster home to insure he be seen by "her" doctor.


  I informed her that she was a defendant in a Federal lawsuit, that I was the plaintiff against her, that she could not continue to issue bogus warrants on a bogus complaint. Judge Knipps ignored me and continue to make an ORDER to remove my son and place him with “ACS.”  Imagine that just like that my 16 yrs son gone with the wave of Judge Knipps pen. Poof! I was really stunned where the hell was I?

It got real clear to me, that slavery is alive here in
New York City, especially at this idea of a "Family Court." 


 Whose family is this court for?


We know that, Mr. Peter Stuyvesant  (known successful slave owner and trader) started the corporation formerly known as "New Amsterdam," now known as New York City, his descendants continue to carry on with his slave master work.  Susan Knipps family tree is probably well paid in the human slave trade.  Susan Knipps must have forgot or not been informed, that every black person was and is not a slave.  I know I am not one of Susan Knipps slave mamies.  I continue to observe and mentally document Susan Knipps idea of her "master performance" before the family court scene.

That day my healthy 16 yr son was taken away by an man alleging to be his court appointed guardian Mr. Michael Morman! (neither my son or I had never meet this man)  I left the court without both of my children. My then 17 yr daughter did not return home for days out of fear of being taken hostage. 

 I later found out my daughter stayed with her friends, she later got in contact with me when she felt safe.  My children never stay at family or friends without my knowledge. My children and I are very close and like to be with each other. We were technically homeless since the February 3, 2006 raid, because of the illegal eviction ordered by Judge Susan Knipps.  We were living as fugitives from her illegal court ordered clinic appointments!


On about February 6th 2006, Judge Susan Knipps issued illegal warrants against my son absconding her medical appointment, and for me failing to appear at pre-vacated February 6th 2006, court hearing.  My son and I remained fugitives, for not going to a force clinic appointment arranged by Judge Susan Knipp, Judge George Jurow, Kathleen Wolters and others.

On about
February 9th, 2006, between 10:30am and 4:00pm.  My Family and I were not in, Adel Benjamin, of ACS, NYCHA police and others, broke in again, desecrated and searched my apartment, change the locks, left a note, if I wanted my apt keys, I have to turn myself over to New York City Police.


This brief statement of illegal retaliatory events, orchestrated by Administrative Family Court, Judge Susan Knipps, George Jurow, ACS and others since May of 2005, are nonstop, because I filed complaints against Jeannie A. Samedi and lawsuit against Judge Susan Knipps and her co-conspirators.  I successfully secured 14 Clerks Certificates of Default against all 14 defendants, clerks of the New York Southern District Court refuse to enter the defaults on the docket or docket my notice of appeal I which I paid for.


See Williams v Jurow, 05-6949-cv New York Southern District.


My family and I no longer enjoyed a secured peaceful existence at our apartment, because of the events that occurred from June 2005, to 2007, all hours of the day and night, by so call "ACS" case workers and police, in using objects to repeatedly bang on the apartment door, to harass us, turning the door knob, to break in, to force their illegal medical examinations upon my son to cover up their illegal case against me. 


To date our family is haunted by this experience and seek to relocate as soon as we can.
